
Oil massage with stonetherapy

Stone therapy is based on white jade stones providing a deep warming effect on muscles and spine, improving blood circulation and promoting muscle recovery during intense physical exertion.  

  • Duration: 90 minutes


Stone therapy will help relieve fatigue, boost immunity, and improve well-being and mood. Oil massage techniques in combination with hot elements relieve insomnia, physical fatigue and nervous tension, recover from intoxication, joint and muscle pain. SPA treatment promotes deep physical and mental relaxation, reduces the effects of sedentary lifestyle, helps to reduce body weight by activating blood circulation and processes in the subcutaneous fat layer.

Stone therapy is performed with white jade stones. It is suitable for people suffering from headaches, chronic fatigue, stress, muscle pain, impaired immunity, cellulite and excess weight.


  • physical fatigue;
  • nervous strain, regular stress,
  • impaired immunity,
  • back pain and muscle pain, sore throat after exercise;
  • poor cold tolerance.

Contraindications to the SPA treatment:



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